Planetary Blog ではやぶさビデオ「祈り」が取り上げられる

Planetary Blog の Emily さんが,はやぶさビデオ「祈り」を取り上げてくれています.

エンドロールの何百人もの名前にふれ,「このひとつの探査機を飛ばすのにどれほどたくさんの人が貢献したか」について語っています.個人的には Emily さんや もクレジットに載せられたら良かったなあと思いますね.海外への周知という点において,彼女に負うところは大変大きいわけですから.

I can't read the kana of course but I wouldn't know the names anyway; that doesn't really matter. Seeing the hundreds of names scrolling by gives you a sense of how many individuals contributed to making this one spacecraft fly. At the very end, credit is given to "All of the people of the world who have supported Hayabusa." On behalf of some of those people, I say, thank you to JAXA, for letting us come along for the ride!

擬人化については「NASAESA ではありえない」「機械に人格を与えるというのはちょっとめめしくて感傷的だ.でも世間一般に対して知的な側面だけでなく,惑星空間へのロボット使者の『生命』への感情移入を促したという点で,JAXA に拍手を送りたい.エンドロールに記載された人達は,はやぶさが経験した成功やトラブルを通じてたくさんの感情を抱いてきたにちがいない」「我々弱き人類が行かれないような場所をいま探査している機械たちに対して,もっとたくさんの人たちが愛着を感じるようになってほしい」というようなことを書いています.

Throughout the movie the spacecraft is given an inner voice and personality through subtitles, something that would never be done in a similar movie by NASA or ESA. And, granted, it's a little sloppy to give personality to machines. But I applaud JAXA for inviting the public to have not just an intellectual attachment but also an emotional involvement in the "lives" of their robotic emissaries into interplanetary space. You can be sure that the men and women who were listed in those credits have felt plenty of emotion through the successes and setbacks experienced throughout Hayabusa's long -- and continuing -- journey. That's part of the thrill of space exploration, and I wish more members of the public felt such an attachment to the machines that now explore where we weak humans cannot.