
  • "Back to the Moon and on to Mars.": Buzz Aldrin (アポロ 11 号宇宙飛行士)
  • "Beyond the Moon, Mars beckons.": Ray Bradbury (SF 作家)
  • "May we cooperate on Earth as we do in space.": Dava Sobel (作家)
  • "The Moon: Once a dream, Now our backyard": Neil deGrasse Tyson (米国惑星協会委員長)
  • "Thanks for getting our great adventure started": Robert Picardo (スタートレック登場人物)
  • "To the Moon, then on to Mars and beyond!": Mike and Denise Okuda(スタートレック作者,特殊効果担当)
  • "If you see LRO, CEV and LSAM, say hello for me.": Rick Sternbach(スタートレック美術・設計担当)
