
海外に Unmanned Spaceflight.com というマニアックな(そしてめちゃめちゃ議論のレベルが高い)宇宙関係掲示板がありまして,一昨年のタッチダウンの時はリポ D の話題で大変に盛り上がったりしていましたが,ここ数日また盛り上がっています.


There is still a long and difficult mission ahead but she is still alive and the team are bringing her home and I am very glad about that.

Doesn't sound like it will be an easy trip at all, but glad they'll make the attempt. If nothing else, JAXA will learn some extremely valuable engineering lessons, and unfortunately the value of these too often seems to be directly proportional to the pain & effort. Best of luck, guys!

Hayabusa is the little spacecraft that could. Broad ambitions, high risks, and relatively low funding. So go, Hayabusa, go!

This would be amazing - I just hope she has better luck than Nozomi did with the salvage efforts


Considering the fact that it was a test mission, and that it successfully reached the asteroid and returned a lot of fascinating data on a class of world never before observed at close range, I think the mission succeeded in a lot of ways. Its primary mission, however, wasn't science, but to test technology, and it definitely returned data that will help in designing future asteroid sample returns of this type. And it maybe, just maybe, will return with a tiny bit of material...unlikely, but not impossible.



Hayabusa 2 doesn t look very good. If I understood the blogs correct, Jaxa needs 500 Million Yen (around 4,2 Million US-Dollar) or more in FY 2007 for starting it. However the Ministry of Finance gave only 50 Million Yen ... ...


何と書いてあるのかさっぱりわかりませんが,はやぶさの状態が一目でわかるイラスト - はやぶさまとめニュースで紹介したイラストが転載されていたりしています.一昨年のタッチダウンの頃の盛り上がりようもすごいです.はやぶさスレに一部の翻訳結果が載っていますが,ほんとによく調べてます.
